Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I stumbled across this great teaching on "story" by Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz). Check it out here.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Self-preservation in the church

How many churches are functioning to preserve themselves rather than to be effective at making disciples and to be faithful to God? Check out how Jesus ministered. We don't see him begging and pleading with people to follow him. Instead, we see Jesus telling people to drop everything and follow him. We see Jesus telling people that they must sell all their stuff and give the money to the poor and then follow him. In Luke 10, we see Jesus telling his disciples to enter a town and tell people the good news; and if they aren’t receptive, get up and leave town (and wipe the dust off your feet and tell them that they are in for a world of hurt). It's like the gospel was never meant to stay put and be safe. Maybe the gospel is meant for so much more; like to invade every area of our culture and every part our lives. Jesus never made it safe. Jesus never made it easy. It was what it was. It was simple. Either follow Jesus or follow your own way. What's your choice?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

You Say You Want a Revolution...

Revolutionary business cards

Last night Alan, Angie, Lindsey and I designed and printed up some business cards to promote Encounter. It was funny debating on how they were going to look. We ended up just printing off a bunch of designs. We decided on the logo a few weeks ago. We're looking for a building to meet in on Thursday nights (preferably old and dilapidated). If you have any ideas, make sure to comment.